Presentations pdf - 2016 edition

You will find in this section, the pdf of a part of the oral presentations done during the day of December 16, 2016

The booklet of the conference is available here

CORTEX by Henry Kennedy

ECOFECT by Dominique Pontier et François-Loïc Cosset

DEVweCAN by Patrick Mehlen

PRIMES by Françoise Peyrin et Denis Dauvergne


Projet collaboratif émergent CORTEX/ ECOFECT: Large-scale Networks underlying Biological Integration

part 1 par Szabolcs Horvat

part 2 par Patrice André


Flash Présentations:

Prise de décision et système de récompense, by Jean-Claude Dreher, LabEx CORTEX

Microsystems to control cell environnement for cancer research, by Charlotte Rivière, LabEx IMUST


Projet collaboratif émergent DEVweCAN/ ECOFECT: Towards a better understanding of chronic co-infections by hepatitis delta and B viruses: from eco-evolutionary aspects to the improvement of the treatment and prevention of associated liver diseases by David Durantel et François-Loïc Cosset


Flash présentations:

Projet IDEEE: Impulsivité et Distractibilité chez les adultes TDAH: Evaluation, Entraînement et EEG by Agathe Marcastel, LabEx ASLAN

Cognitive and physical training in normal ageing by Clémence Joubert, LabEx CORTEX

Collège Sciences de la vie et de la santé by Guy Mouchiroud

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